Saturday, January 18, 2014

Being Mom of a Bipolar Child

A lot has happened since I last posted .. to much to catch up on now.. will fill in blanks later.
As for now we are on our 7th metal health hospitalization in the last year. Ash  has been having what they call " pseudo seizures" with her episodes.
I got a call from Dysart high yesterday before nine saying that my daughter had walked into the nurses office and fainted. I was to come and get her and bring her home.

On my way into the nurses office her counselor came out of her office as I passed by and she cam out to tell me that Ash had come in to see her and had told her that she said she had feelings of self harm and had called the teen help line the night before. I felt like the worst mom ever because I felt that I was part of the reason for her break. I wasn't home when she got home from school because I had to sign papers for a house we were short selling and she had forgotten her keys and was frustrated because she was locked  out and I was unable to come home to let her in.

 By the time I got to the nurses office she had started seizures and become combative and aggitated between seizures. I knew I wasn't going to be able to keep her safe at home an knew I was going to have to take her in because her meds weren't working for her (that is part of the problems with bipolar disorder, meds can stop working at any time). Last time I took her in when she was like that she tried to open the car door and it was scary for me. We decided that she needed to be transported by ambulance so that we could keep her safe.

 By the time I got to her room the nurses had her in a gown and had drawn blood etc... they had a nurse to watch her which is common with patients of her type. She had been continuing the" psudo seizures and seemed to be stuck in a pattern of  having a seizure,  being combative while mumbling in audibly under her breath, then hyperventilating and then passing out, sleep for 15 min to a half of hour and start  over again. As a mom it was really hard for me to watch. I was going to leave to get something to eat, but in the past when I have left and come back she has been passed out hanging over the side of the bed. It was a good thing I didn't leave because during her combative state it took both me and the nurse all of our might to keep her from jumping out of bed and running away.

She continued this all day till about four. I tried pleading with doctors and nurses to give her the anti anxiety meds that the psychologist had prescribed for her, but it fell on deaf ears....
she was put in a room and forgotten and doc didn't care about the seizures or the combativeness.

 Finally  doc came back and said that all her labs were fine and he was discharging her and he would get paperwork ready so I could take her home. WHAT!!!! I cannot take that combative , seziuring child home with me.... I  cannot keep my child safe at home.. I cannot babysit her 24/7....


( to be continued  when I get a chance..)

Monday, January 30, 2012

back in Hospital

After a really bad weekend, we are taking it easy at st Joseph's hospital. They are determined to get to the bottom of this and we are hoping to get answers before we leave the hospital. We are getting an MRI with contrast today. Dr will be calling her neurologist and getting results from the other tests that have been completed.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Exhausting day

Ashlie started online school today, despite the fact that she has had 5 seizures in he last 24 hours. Called dr and she wants to see how she will do on her meds since she started taking the full dosage yesterday. She has been recovering o.k from them. I just wish we could stop having them.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Feeling a bit like this for the week!

Waiting for MRI to be done  on monday.

Waiting to finish enrolling Ashlie online school. 
 Hoping to have her started by Friday!

ashlie is feeling like this:

Monday, January 23, 2012

MORE Tests

Had to share this cartoon today. 

Ashlie was able to go to school and visit her concerned teachers, friends and fellow UH students. 
It was a healing day for all to see that she is still the same Ashlie and she is O.K. despite the "fainting" spells/ seizures.

 They are an awesome group of kids!They told her  just because she isn't attending doesn't mean she isn't still part of the group! 
I think that was reassuring to Ashlie as well. 
We are stll in the process of getting her enrolled in online classes and hope to have her working by the end of this week. 

Friday, January 20, 2012

Learning to dance in the rain

This is a blog for friends and Family of Ashlie Heaton to be able to follow her progress through the on going health concerns she has right now. At this point we are still working on getting testing done . We had an EEG done this morning and are awaiting a call to schedule  another MRI this time with contrast to see the cyst  on her right brain better. We are unsure of the details surrounding this find, but are bracing for the worst and hoping for the best. 

We have decided that we want to learn to dance in this storm of a life that has blown our way. We have decided we are going to try to find the fun in each day and make the best of it and hope that you will too!